A Special Project and a Commitment From Us To YOUths
Launched in July 2022, the Youth Taskforce, led by Young NTUC aims to understand the needs, concerns and work- life aspirations of youths aged 17 to 25 years old as they transition from school to the workplace.

Youth Taskforce Wrap-up Harvest
After a year-long effort, we engaged 10,568 youths in quality conversations and through various formats such as focus group discussions, a roving Youth Hub, co-organised youth events with partners, and online and offline surveys.
Fresh insights on career, mental well-being and finances were uncovered through the engagements and compiled in a report just for you. Exciting initiatives to address these insights are also outlined in the report!

Provide greater accessibility to career mentoring​

Pilot a Career Starter Lab​

Advocate for quality internships​

Train more mental well-being peer supporters at the workplace​

Innovate a holistic membership experience for youths