
This pilot initiative, led by NTUC and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) aims to help youths jumpstart their career while meeting employers’ hiring needs with an integrated post-IHL employment support.
Through a short-term trial that comes with workplace mentorship and structured training, both freshly graduated jobseekers and host companies can seek clarity about the job fit before considering formal employment.

About NTUC
Career Starter Lab
An up to 3-month career trial depending on the role
A structured training programme designed by host company for you to learn the ropes
A workplace mentor assigned to guide you along your journey
Monthly training allowance based on prevailing average starting salaries of IHL graduates in the market
Possible conversion to a full-time position at the end of the career trial
Graduated/graduating from ITE, Polytechnic or University in 2023/2024 or completed National Service in 2023/2024;
Singapore or Permanent Resident citizen; and
Unemployed during career trial

A suite of benefits!
✓ Experience a meaningful, well-guided career trial and work stint
✓ Be paired with a mentor and understand not just the scope of work, but a deeper appreciation for the industry
✓ Build up relevant hard and soft skills
✓ Alleviate anxiety, build confidence as you transit from school to the workforce